Animal Sciences Group - Wageningen UR
The Animal Sciences Group is part of Wageningen University and Research Centre and comprises the Divisions Animal Production, 'ASG Veehouderij BV' in full, Infectious Diseases, Products and the Department of Animal Sciences of Wageningen University.
The Animal Sciences Group is part of Wageningen University and
Research Centre and comprises the Divisions Animal Production, 'ASG
Veehouderij BV' in full, Infectious Diseases, Products and the
Department of Animal Sciences of Wageningen University. This merger
has been established in 2006.
At the start of the LayWel project two Divisions of the Animal
Sciences Group were involved, formerly known as:
- Institute for Animal Science and Health ID-Lelystad
- Research Institute for Animal Husbandry PV-Lelystad
They are now both part of the Divisions Animal Production of the
Animal Sciences Group.
The Animal Sciences Group of Wageningen UR is an internationally
renowned knowledge organisation in the field of animal husbandry,
animal health and fisheries. It also develops and produces vaccines
and sensitines (specific diagnostics). Core activities are
scientific and practice-based research, academic education and
generating (animal) production systems and innovations. The staff
of about 650 highly qualified people instructs young academics and
undertakes research for a large group of clients. The research
varies from specialist to multi-disciplinary, while the focus is
always on the concepts of quality and independence for both
education and research. The Animal Sciences Group has very
extensive facilities for research and production. There are
practical research centres at various locations in the Netherlands,
where there are application-oriented locations for research into
cattle, poultry and pig farming.
The 250 members of staff at the Animal production division have a
wide knowledge of the fields of animal welfare, breeding, farm
animal health, animal nutrition, economy, animal housing, food
quality and policy developments at home and abroad and have
contacts there. Their interests also cover the environment,
sustainable energy, farm management development and product quality
in international chains.
The Animal Sciences Group has been working on alternative housing
systems for laying hens for more than 25 years. After 10 years
research on enriched cages it is one of the most experienced
institutes in this type of housing. Apart from this, research is
conducted on aviaries, free range, deep litter, organic farming and
the possibilities to omit or reduce beak treatments.
Dr. H. Blokhuis,acted as overall
project coordinator. He has more than 20 years experience in animal
welfare research. He has published extensively in scientific
journals and contributed to many scientific congresses. An
extensive part of his work was related to laying hen behaviour,
housing and welfare. Prof. Dr.Blokhuis has a long standing
experience in leading complex multidisciplinary research
programmes. For many years Prof. Dr.Blokhuis was programme leader
of research programmes for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture,
Nature Management and Fisheries. These programmes involved the
study of housing, stress and animal welfare in cows, pigs and
poultry. He also coordinated two EU funded international research
programmes, one on veal calves and one on laying hens.
Prof. Dr.Blokhuis has chaired an action in the framework of COST
(European co-operation in the field of scientific and technical
research). The Action (no. 846) is called “Measuring and
monitoring farm animal welfare”.
Untill recently he was leading the research group “Animal
Welfare” at ID-Lelystad. At present he is consultant for
International Research Networks and linked to the Animal Sciences
Group of Wageningen University and Research Centre.
Prof. Dr.Blokhuis is member of the Scientific Committee for Animal
Health and Animal Welfare, an advisory body to the European
Commission. Prof. Dr.Blokhuis is Dutch representative in Technical
Committee of COST in the domain Agriculture, Food Science and
Biotechnology. He is also member of the Scientific Steering
Committee of the Belgian Policy Research Centre for Sustainable
Prof. Dr.Blokhuis is a member of the World's Poultry Science
Association and the WPSA working group on Poultry Welfare. He is
member of the International Society for Applied Ethology and serves
as Regional Secretary for the Benelux. He is a member of the
American Society of Animal Science. He is member of the Dutch
Zoötechnical Society and EAAP contact person in the
Netherlands for the Management and Health Commission. He is member
of the Editorial Advisory Board of Applied Animal Behaviour Science
and of the International Editorial Board of Veterinary Sciences
Ir. T. Fiks - van Niekerk is senior research leader and
already involved in research with laying hens since 1989. Main
areas of interest are welfare and housing of laying hens. She was
involved in the first introductions of aviary systems on commercial
farms in the Netherlands. Since the start in 1993 she is project
leader of the research on enriched cages. She is member of the
World’s Poultry Science Association and the WPSA working
group on Poultry Welfare. She has participated in earlier European
projects concerning welfare implications of bone weakness of laying
hens. She has participated in the co-ordination team. She has used
her wide experience in research in experimental units and on
commercial farms with many different housing systems for laying
hens, to lead WP2.
Dr I. de Jong is a scientific researcher poultry welfare at
the Animal Welfare Group. She has 6 years experience in stress
physiology and applied ethology. In 2001 she received her PhD in
Animal Physiology on behavioural and physiological research in
pigs. Since 2000 she is working as a project leader in several
poultry projects, e.g. in a project on feather pecking in laying
hens and currently in a project concerning behavioural priorities
in laying hens. She has been working on WP4.