The Stakeholders meetings were open for European and National government representatives, national egg boards, European and local animal welfare organisations and industrial partners.
A first stakeholders meeting was held in February 2005 in Milan. In June the 7th European Poultry Welfare Symposium in 2005 in Poland was used as a second opportunity to meet with stakeholders. This time input from Eastern European countries was obtained.
On November 16, 2005, the last stakelholders meeting was held. During this meeting the draft reports of WorkPackages 1 – 6, on various aspects of welfare of laying hens, were discussed. Also the last WorkPackage (no.7 , the integrated welfare assessment) was dealt with.
The Stakeholders meeting waws open for European and National government representatives, national egg boards, European and local animal welfare organisations and industrial partners.
Frequent communication is essential for the smooth running of a project. For the LayWel project this was facilitated by the existing professional collaborations between the partners. Regular communication was maintained by telephone and e-mail contact and meetings were held during the project to discuss progress. By connecting these meetings to international poultry events (congresses, seminars, etc.) cost were reduced and time was spent economically, while promoting wider consultation and dissemination of the results. Still some project meetings were held to keep the project on track. A preliminary meeting was held on 01-20-2003, followed by meetings for project partners on 02-27-2004, 24-02-2005, 08-25-2005 and 09-05-2005.